Welcome Sis


We're so glad you're here. Let's dive right in and get to know each other, shall we?


My name is Leah Salmon The Naturally You Coach


* A homeschooling mother of 6 & 1 angel boy

* A bestselling author of 6 books

* A Speaker, qualified Nutritionist & Life Coach

* A Live Blood Analyst

* Focused on black women’s health

& I run a Wolverhampton based clinic & online health store



My goal is to help you to become Naturally You 


What is Becoming Naturally You? 






Coming Soon



Coming Soon



I want to help you to: 

Eat for health 

Think for happiness 

& Live In Harmony 


I do this through our: 


Online Health Store



& Live Blood Analysis Clinic 


Join our family sis

If you're not already on our weekly email list, head over to the home page and wait for the big pink box to pop up so you can spin to win and prize and join the mailing list at the same time. 

We'll keep you up to date with out latest courses, events news, new podcasts, product news, special offers, new videos and much more and if it's not for you, you can unsubscribe at any time. 

Much love, take care & stay healthy sis

Love Leah