For thousands of years, Black cumin seed has been used for a variety of medical conditions including high-blood pressure, infections, indigestion, liver-disease and more. Black seed oil was found in the Tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs who were buried with their most previous belongings. We can find black seed mentioned in the Old Testament. It also was highly promoted in early Islamic culture, where it was seen as a cure-all herb. From these sources we can see that, for thousands of years, black cumin seed was recognised as a remarkable healing substance.
These claims may sound quite wild, however, in the case of black cumin seed, modern science is starting to confirm what the ancients knew about this miraculous substance. Research has discovered a staggering number of potential benefits in many different areas of health.
There are hundreds of studies showing black cumin seed may help with high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, inflammation, premature aging, infections (viral, bacterial and fungal), anxiety, sleep disorders and many other conditions. There are also many reports from people who find it has healed their aliments and improved their general wellbeing.
We supply black cumin seed in a 100% pure oil form, since this way the active ingredients are greatly concentrated. We have been delighted to hear the about the positive results our customers have had – testimonials can be found below.
Black seed oil is packed with vitamins. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin. It also contains the minerals calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc. It has 15 amino acids (including 8 of 9 essential amino acids). Black seed oil also contains the anti-oxidants beta-sisterol, nigellone, and most-importantly thymoquinone (TQ). TQ is a substance that is attracting a lot of research interest thanks to its many medicinal properties.
Black Seed Oil & DNA
The nutritional content goes some way to explaining why there are so many apparent health benefits. However, what is truly incredible about black seed oil is that it works at the DNA level, reprograming the building blocks of life itself. While many supplements and medications act at a cellular level, compounds in black seed oil work with our genetic code to bring about health benefits.
Science is only just beginning to understand how this happens. We know that TQ (one of the active ingredients in black seed oil) modifies the DNA of cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct but leaving normal cells unaffected. There are also other ways that it fights cancer at a genetic level and it is currently being investigated as an alternative to chemotherapy.
We are only just beginning to understand how TQ works on a genetic level, but research has shown it appears to work with a biological system that protects our DNA, known as telomeres. Telomeres protect the chromosomes (where the genetic material is stored). Genetics is immensely complex but here is a simple analogy: if you think of the chromosome as a shoe-lace, the telomere is like the plastic tip at the end which prevents it from fraying. If DNA gets damaged, cells do not know how to function correctly and all kinds of problems can occur, so telomeres have a very important function.
Telomeres have been the subject of enormous research interest since they play a role in aging and many diseases. Shortened telomeres are associated with heart problems, inflammation, diabetes, cancer and numerous other conditions. Abnormally long telomeres are also associated with health problems, so it seems that telomere balance is essential for health. An enzyme named telomerase is responsible for regulating the telomeres. The TQ found in black seed oil appears to work closely with this enzyme. In fact, it has been shown to have the exact opposite effect as poisons like arsenic which interfere with telomeres. The science is still in its early stages, but perhaps this DNA-level understanding is shedding some light on the “cure’s everything but death” phrase traditionally associated with black cumin seed.
Pollutions, chemicals found in modern food and medicine, and even the stress of modern living have been shown to be associated with shortened telomeres and DNA damage. For this reason, it is extremely important we study substances like black cumin seed to find out if they can help protect us.
Neter Vital Premium Black Seed Oil
What makes our black seed oil special? We want our customers to experience the full benefits of this wonderful oil, so we take great care with our sourcing and production methods.
Many producers use cost-cutting mass production techniques, and use the cheapest seeds they can obtain, resulting in an inferior product which is often diluted with sunflower oil. Our black seed oil is 100% pure. We only source black cumin seeds from selected farms in Ethiopia and Bangladesh which have the perfect, fertile soil for this crop. Our farmers use organic, traditional methods and have several generations worth of experience. Our seeds are cold-pressed into oil shortly after harvest, so the active ingredients are retained.
Our black seed oil was selling out faster than we could produce it, so we had to expand our production. However, we did this simply by engaging more local farmers and without comprising any of our high standards. As we continue to expand, we will ensure our traditional production methods are retained.
As a result of this, our Black Seed oil has a very high percentage of the most important active ingredient, Thymoquinone. Our product has been tested in UK laboratories in order to comply with government standards.
About The Glass
Something as precious as black seed oil should be stored correctly, and for this reason our bottles are made from a dark glass that prevents the harmful effects of the light and heat. In fact, this is in keeping with traditional storage methods – the ancient Egyptians would store black seed oil and other prized substances in vessels made from violet glass.
Violet glass blocks most visible light which can damage the active ingredients in. UV and Infrared pass through it, and these are actually thought to have a positive impact. The company who produces the “Miron” Glass we use has carried out extensive research and found significant benefits compared to standard amber, black or clear glasses.
How To Use Black Seed Oil
We recommend taking a tea-spoon of black seed oil, twice a day. The taste is a little bitter but not unpleasant. Some customers have used it to heal specific conditions, and many also take it daily for general wellbeing.
The oil can also be applied to skin or hair. People use it for a variety of conditions such as acne, dry skin & hair, psoriasis.
“It cleared up my blood pressure it was nearly 200 and two days after that it came down to 133/73 and the doctor said it’s excellent ETA.” Eta, London
“I had Sinusitis giving me a lot of headaches. I took just one capsule and it cleared up.” Joanne, London
“I have had this cramp in my stomach for a very long time. I took one tea spoon in the morning, one in the evening and before half the little bottle was finished, I felt different. It is the best thing I ever took.” Beverly, London
“I took two teaspoons a day, and after two weeks I found I was sleeping better and feeling calmer and happier” Jake, London
List of Health Benefit of Black Seed Oil
Aid Endocannabinoid System
Eases Asthma
Digestive Aid
Eases Headache
Fights Inflammation
Gastrointestinal Conditions
Hair Growth
Heart Benefits
High Cholesterol
Increase Milk flow
Intestinal Worms
Kidney Function
Liver Function
Lower Body Mass Index
Male Fertility
Nasal Congestion
Promote Vitality
Respiratory Conditions
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Stimulation of Menstruation
Add this high quality potent health food to your life today!